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Conference presentations & Invited talks
Kunst N, Stout NK, O’Brien G, Christensen KD, McMahon PM, Wu AC, Diller L, Yeh JM. Population-based newborn screening for Li-Fraumeni syndrome: Cost-effectiveness, clinical benefits and value of additional information. 43rd Annual Meeting of the Society for Medical Decision Making, Virtual Meeting, 2021. Accepted for Oral Presentation and selected as a Lee B. Lusted Award Finalist
Kunst N, Paltiel AD, Ross JS, Wallach JD, Stout NK, Rothery C, Glynn D, Ciani O, Mougalian SS, Gross CP, Gonsalves G. Evidence underlying FDA cancer drug approvals: A value of information analysis. 42nd Annual Meeting of the Society for Medical Decision Making, Virtual Meeting, 2020. Oral Presentation
Kunst N. Quantifying the value of further research to improve 21-gene assay decision-making in breast cancer. University of Toronto, THETA Rounds, Toronto, Canada. 2020